interactive clustering with super-instances

KU Leuven DTAI


You can easily try this yourself.

  1. Install COBRAS-TS with the visual user interface:
    pip install cobras_ts[gui]
  2. Run COBRAS-TS on a sample of the CBF dataset from the UCR archive
    cobras_ts --visual --format=csv --dist=kshape --labelcol=0


COBRAS is available on PyPi, install it using:
pip install cobras_ts
This software can be run from the commandline or used as a Python package, examples can be found on GitHub.
If you want to run COBRAS-TS with the visual user interface, use
pip install cobras_ts[gui]

For more details on installation and usage see the GitHub repository.


COBRA is available on BitBucket and COBRAS(-TS) is available on GitHub.


  • Van Craenendonck, T., Meert, W., Dumancic, S. & Blockeel, H. Interactive Time Series Clustering with COBRAS-TS. Demo track of ECMLPKDD, 2018. (PDF,CODE)

    Demo paper introducing a web application
    for interactive clustering of time series based on COBRAS-TS.

  • Van Craenendonck, T., Meert, W., Dumancic, S. & Blockeel, H. COBRAS-TS: A new approach to Semi-Supervised Clustering of Time Series . Discovery Science, 2018. (PDF, CODE, SLIDES)

    Best paper award
    COBRAS-TS extends COBRAS to time series clustering, demonstrating for the first time that time series clustering can benefit greatly from small amounts of user interaction.

  • Van Craenendonck, T., Dumancic, S., Vanwolputte, E. & Blockeel, H. COBRAS: Interactive clustering with pairwise constraints. Intelligent Data Analysis, 2018. (PDF, CODE, SLIDES)

    COBRAS dynamically refines super-instances during clustering,
    making it suitable for interactive clustering.

  • Van Craenendonck, T., Dumancic, S. & Blockeel, H. COBRA: A fast and simple method for active clustering with pairwise constraints. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017. (Lirias,PDF, CODE, SLIDES)

    The paper that introduces the concept of super-instances to semi-supervised clustering.


For any questions about the paper, code, ... contact Toon Van Craenendonck at