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Amzi! News

Appeared in Volume 9/3, August 1996

Keywords: web programming.

1. WebLS

WebLS is a freeware Common Gateway Interfacing (CGI) application that allows you to embed logic-bases in Web sites. These logic-bases can answer user's support questions, recommend configurations, diagnose problems, give advice, etc. It can be downloaded from or

The user interacts with WebLS via a series of HTML forms. Recommendations can be supplied as generated HTML text, or links to existing HTML documents, allowing the logic-base to act like an intelligent agent.

WebLS can be used for implementing small to medium sized logic-bases. Amzi! is building its own on-line technical support with WebLS. Larger scale users will want to acquire Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server; the Professional Edition is priced at US$598.

2. Amzi! Logic Explorer

Amzi! Logic Explorer is designed for people interested in learning about intelligent components, agents and logic-bases.

It consists of a Windows IDE (integrated development environment) with an editor for writing facts and rules, an interpreter for querying and managing the logic-base and a debugger to monitor the execution of queries.

The samples include a shipping advisor, tournament scheduler, intelligent database, identification expert, mailing list parser and adventure game.

The Amzi! Logic Explorer runs under Windows 3.x, 95 and NT.

It can be downloaded from or

3. Tax Assistance

CyberTax is tax submission software, developed by VerTec Solutions, Inc. It allows the general public to file federal taxes by modem or via the Internet.

CyberTax merges the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF), VerTec's TranZform plug-in software, and Nelco Inc's expertise in electronic tax filing. VerTec also employs a knowledge base written in Prolog for representing the tax rules written with the Amzi! Prolog Logic Server.

Currently, CyberTax contains approximately 800 rules, and supports 22 of the most commonly used federal tax forms, including multiple W-2s, W-2Gs, and 1099Rs.

Prolog was also chosen since tax forms contain so many duplicate values. Prolog provides the best means to handle the redundant values on the forms. The workflow for CyberTax is simplified due to Prolog handling most of the logic in each form. It also works well for estimating tax results.

For more information about CyberTax, contact:

VerTec Solutions, Inc.

4. Prolog Logic Server in a Java Class

We have encapsulated our Prolog engine in a Java class so that Prolog modules can be embedded in Java applications. The class has over 50 methods for issuing queries, managing Prolog's dynamic database, and exchanging information between Prolog and Java. It uses Java's exception mechanism to report errors.

Existing Amzi! customers can download the beta version of the class from or

It is built on the 32-bit Amzi! DLL and runs under Windows 95 or NT (same as the Java Development Kit).

More details about Amzi! products are available from:

Mary Kroening
Amzi! inc.
40 Samuel Prescott Drive
Stow, MA 01775, USA
Tel: +1 508 897 7332
Fax: +1 508 897 2784
Email: or

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