*** Inductive Constraint Logic ***

ICL: Starting up

Status: public -- Last revision: February 9, 1998

Starting up ICL is fairly easy. There is a small difference for local users (working at the department of Computer Science of the KULeuven) and the others (who use a runtime version of ICL).

Local Users

If you are working at our department, you have the full capabilities of ICL. After doing all the necessary stuff to install ICL, you can start ICL by executing the command ICL at the command prompt. This is a Perl script that will set up your environment appropriately. When executing ICL -h you will see something like:

Usage: ICL -h 
       ICL [-n value] [-o options] [-v version] [-w] [-l] [appl name [conf name]]
       ICL -R [-n value] [-v version] [appl name [conf name]]
       ICL -H

Start a ICL session for application 'appl name' and configuration 'conf name'.  
If these are not given as arguments, you will be asked for!

    -h print this help message
    -n nice value (default = 19)
    -o extra options for BIMprolog (as a string!)
    -v set version (overides the default)
    -w enable BIMprologs system messages (default off)
    -l for large data sets (enlarges the tables)
    -R start runtime version

    -H extra options
    - if you want to set warnings on, add '-o -Pw+'

Documentation can be found in the subdir DOC of the ICL home directory (~ml/icl).

Several versions of ICL exists. You'd best use the default version (see file ~ml/icl/default_version) which will be automatically used when you don't specify one with the -v option. The other versions are either old implementations or experimental (care should be taken when using these). Everything on a specific version can be found under ~ml/icl/V-<version>.

When starting up, ICL will run by default through the ProLog by BIM engine (so your environment must be set up to use ProLog by BIM!). ICL runs on both Solaris 2.* machines and Linux PC's. There is also a runtime executable (a stand-alone version) for Solaris 2.*. Use the option -R to start up the runtime version.

Other Users

After doing all the necessary stuff to install ICL, you can start ICL by executing the command ICL at the command prompt. This will start the runtime version that you have installed.

The syntax is ICL [appl name [conf name]]

If no configuration/application name is given, the user will be interactively asked for.


After starting up, you will see something like:

Please consider using the runtime (= +/- stable)

ProLog by BIM - release 4.1.0 - 02-Mar-1995
(c) Copyright BIM, BELGIUM - 1993

*      ICL : Inductive Classification Logic          *
*   conceived by Luc De Raedt and Wim Van Laer       *
*          implemented by Wim Van Laer               *
*                                                    *
*                    Version 4                       *
*                                                    *
* please send any comments to Wim.VanLaer@cs.kuleuven.ac.be *

Loading system files

or in case of the runtime:

*      ICL : Induction Classification Logic          *
*   conceived by Luc De Raedt and Wim Van Laer       *
*          implemented by Wim Van Laer               *
*                                                    *
*                    Version 4                       *
*                                                    *
*          This is the runtime version               *
*    Created on Fri Feb  6 12:34:08 1998
*                                                    *
* please send any comments to Wim.VanLaer@cs.kuleuven.ac.be *

If not given at the command prompt, you will be asked for the application name and configuration name (see input files for more information):

Please give the name of your application.
? <user input>

Please give the name of the configuration for <appl name>
? <user input>

Then the system will load all the necessary files for the given application and configuration. It might look something like this:

Now loading files for application  deptcw  with configuration   
**Initialising knowledge** 
 loading deptcw.kb 
  o there is no optimized file deptcw.kb.O.wic 
  o using non-optimized deptcw.kb ... 
  -> 4 models have been loaded 
 there is no backgroundfile deptcw.bg 
 preparing knowledge... 
  (using existing .deptcw.kb ) 
**Initialising settings** 
 set settings to their default value ... 
 loading deptcw.s ... 
**Initialising language** 
 loading deptcw.l ... 
**Initialising theory**

If an error occurs, the system will warn the user. For example, when putting a fact outside a block in the KB file will give:

  o using non-optimized deptcw.kb ... 
>>> WARNING: I've found some input outside a begin/end block (located after model(ldh) ) 

If everything goes well, the ICL interactive prompt will appear:

Starting interactive session 

For list of commands : h/0 or help/0 



KULeuven - Computerwetenschappen Copyright 1998, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, dept. Computerwetenschappen
Information provider: KULeuven dept. Computerwetenschappen
Comments for the authors: Wim Van Laer
Page design: Wim Van Laer
URL: http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/start_up.html