SMiLee ;)

Spring workshop on Mining and Learning 2017

Practical information


SMiLee 2017 will be held in the Vayamundo De Kinkhoorn&Ravelingen in Ostend. Situated just a few steps away from the beach, this modern hotel offers a swimming pool, sauna and fitness center. You can see some pictures of the hotel rooms and facilities in the right.

Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee single rooms for everyone.

The adress of the hotel is:

Vayamundo Meetings & Events Oostende
Zeedijk 290-330
B-8400 Oostende


Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to the SMiLee organisation committee.

For external guests, the estimated price is about €250 p.p. This includes the accomodation, meals and the workshop itself.

Externals are also welcome to bring one extra person to the workshop, preferably a junior researcher.