Publications about 'related formalisms'
  1. Frank Raiser. Graph Transformation Systems in Constraint Handling Rules: Improved Methods for Program Analysis. PhD thesis, Ulm University, Germany, November 2010. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Leslie De Koninck. Execution Control for Constraint Handling Rules. PhD thesis, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, November 2008. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): priorities, complexity, related formalisms. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Kazunori Ueda and Seiji Ogawa. HyperLMNtal: An Extension of a Hierarchical Graph Rewriting Model. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, pp 1-10, 2012. ISSN: 0933-1875. [WWW] Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Rémy Haemmerlé. Observational equivalences for linear logic concurrent constraint languages. In John Gallagher and Michael Gelfond, editors, ICLP '11: Proc. 27th Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 11(4–5) of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, pages 469-485. Cambridge University Press, July 2011. [doi:10.1017/S1471068411000123] Keyword(s): linear logic, semantics, confluence, related formalisms. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Frank Raiser and Thom Frühwirth. Analyzing Graph Transformation Systems through Constraint Handling Rules. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2010. Note: To appear. Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Leslie De Koninck. Logical Algorithms meets CHR: A meta-complexity result for Constraint Handling Rules with rule priorities. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 9(2):165-212, March 2009. [doi:10.1017/S1471068409003664] Keyword(s): priorities, related formalisms, complexity. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Yoshinori Shigeta, Kiyoshi Akama, Hiroshi Mabuchi, and Hidekatsu Koike. Converting Constraint Handling Rules to Equivalent Transformation Rules. JACIII, 10(3):339-348, 2006. Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. R. Haemmerlé, P. Lopez-Garcia, and M.V. Hermenegildo. CLP Projection for Constraint Handling Rules. In Michael Hanus, editor, PPDP '11: Proc. 13th Intl. Conf. Princ. Pract. Declarative Programming, pages 137-148, July 2011. ACM Press. [doi:10.1145/2003476.2003496] Keyword(s): semantics, related formalisms, termination, confluence. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Thierry Martinez. Semantics-preserving translations between Linear Concurrent Constraint Programming and Constraint Handling Rules. In M. Fernández, editor, PPDP '10: Proc. 12th Intl. Conf. Princ. Pract. Declarative Programming, pages 57-66, July 2010. ACM Press. [doi:10.1145/1836089.1836097] Keyword(s): semantics, related formalisms, linear logic. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Thom Frühwirth. First steps towards a lingua franca for computer science: Rule-based Approaches in CHR. In F. Raiser and J. Sneyers, editors, CHR '09: Proc. 6th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 1, July 2009. K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Technical report CW 555. Note: Invited talk. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2009, related formalisms, CHR 2009, CHR 2009. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Thierry Martinez. On connections between CHR and LCC. In F. Raiser and J. Sneyers, editors, CHR '09: Proc. 6th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 18-32, July 2009. K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Technical report CW 555. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2009, linear logic, related formalisms, CHR 2009, CHR 2009. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Frank Raiser. Research Summary: Analysing Graph Transformation Systems Using Extended Methods from Constraint Handling Rules. In Patricia M. Hill and David S. Warren, editors, ICLP '09: Proc. 25th Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 5649 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 540-541, July 2009. Springer-Verlag. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02846-5_54] Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Frank Raiser and Thom Frühwirth. Operational Equivalence of Graph Transformation Systems. In F. Raiser and J. Sneyers, editors, CHR '09: Proc. 6th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 49-61, July 2009. K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Technical report CW 555. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2009, Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms, CHR 2009, CHR 2009. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Frank Raiser and Thom Frühwirth. Strong joinability analysis for graph transformation systems in CHR. In TERMGRAPH '09: Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs, pages 97-112, March 2009. Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  8. Edmund S.L. Lam and Martin Sulzmann. Finally, A Comparison Between Constraint Handling Rules and Join-Calculus. In T. Schrijvers, F. Raiser, and T. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '08: Proc. 5th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 51-66, 2008. RISC Report Series 08-10, University of Linz, Austria. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2008, related formalisms, CHR 2008, CHR 2008. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Frank Raiser and Thom Frühwirth. Towards Term Rewriting Systems in Constraint Handling Rules. In T. Schrijvers, F. Raiser, and T. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '08: Proc. 5th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 19-34, 2008. RISC Report Series 08-10, University of Linz, Austria. [PDF] Keyword(s): related formalisms, CHR 2008, CHR 2008, CHR 2008. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Beata Sarna-Starosta, David Zook, Emir Pasalic, and Molham Aref. Relating Constraint Handling Rules to Datalog. In T. Schrijvers, F. Raiser, and T. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '08: Proc. 5th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 127-142, 2008. RISC Report Series 08-10, University of Linz, Austria. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2008, related formalisms, CHR 2008, CHR 2008. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Anders Schack-Nielsen and Carsten Schürmann. The CHR-Celf Connection. In T. Schrijvers, F. Raiser, and T. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '08: Proc. 5th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 1-2, 2008. RISC Report Series 08-10, University of Linz, Austria. Note: Invited Talk. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2008, related formalisms, CHR 2008, CHR 2008. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Hariolf Betz. Relating Coloured Petri Nets to Constraint Handling Rules. In K. Djelloul, G. J. Duck, and M. Sulzmann, editors, CHR '07: Proc. 4th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 33-47, September 2007. [PDF] Keyword(s): CHR 2007, related formalisms, CHR 2007, CHR 2007. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Leslie De Koninck, Tom Schrijvers, and Bart Demoen. The Correspondence Between the Logical Algorithms Language and CHR. In V. Dahl and I. Niemelä, editors, ICLP '07: Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 4670 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 209-223, September 2007. Springer-Verlag. [doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74610-2_15] Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  14. Thom Frühwirth. Description Logic and Rules the CHR Way. In K. Djelloul, G. J. Duck, and M. Sulzmann, editors, CHR '07: Proc. 4th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 49-61, September 2007. Note: Extended Abstract. [PDF] Keyword(s): related formalisms, CHR 2007, CHR 2007, CHR 2007. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. Julien Martin and François Fages. From Business Rules to Constraint Programs in Warehouse Management Systems. In Doctoral programme of the 13th Intl. Conf. on Princ. and Pract. of Constraint Programming, 2007. Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  16. Frank Raiser. Graph Transformation Systems in CHR. In V. Dahl and I. Niemelä, editors, ICLP '07: Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 4670 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 240-254, September 2007. Springer-Verlag. [doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74610-2_17] Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  17. Martin Sulzmann and Edmund S.L. Lam. Haskell - Join - Rules. In Olaf Chitil, editor, IFL '07: 19th Intl. Symp. Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, pages 195-210, September 2007. Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

  18. Gregory J. Duck, Peter J. Stuckey, and Sebastian Brand. ACD Term Rewriting. In S. Etalle and M. Truszczynski, editors, ICLP '06: Proc. 22nd Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 4079 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 117-131, August 2006. Springer-Verlag. [doi:10.1007/11799573_11] Keyword(s): related formalisms. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Tom Schrijvers, Neng-Fa Zhou, and Bart Demoen. Translating Constraint Handling Rules into Action Rules. In T. Schrijvers and Th. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '06: Proc. 3rd Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 141-155, July 2006. K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Technical report CW 452. [POSTSCRIPT] Keyword(s): CHR 2006, implementation, related formalisms, CHR 2006, CHR 2006. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. Kazunori Ueda, Norio Kato, Koji Hara, and Ken Mizuno. LMNtal as a Unifying Declarative Language. In T. Schrijvers and Th. Frühwirth, editors, CHR '06: Proc. 3rd Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, pages 1-15, July 2006. K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Technical report CW 452. Note: Invited talk. [PDF] Keyword(s): related formalisms, CHR 2006, CHR 2006, CHR 2006. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  21. Harald Ganzinger and David A. McAllester. Logical Algorithms. In P. J. Stuckey, editor, ICLP '02: Proc. 18th Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 2401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 209-223, jul/aug 2002. Springer-Verlag. Keyword(s): related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Leslie De Koninck, Tom Schrijvers, and Bart Demoen. The Correspondence Between the Logical Algorithms Language and CHR. Technical report CW 480, K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science, Leuven, Belgium, March 2007. [WWW] Keyword(s): related formalisms, priorities. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  1. Mathias Wasserthal. An extensible platform for the analysis of graph transformation systems using Constraint Handling Rules. Diploma thesis, Ulm University, February 2009. Keyword(s): Graph Transformation Systems, related formalisms. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Mon Dec 16 13:19:48 2013
This bibliography was compiled by the following authors: Please send BibTEX entries of missing CHR-related publications to Jon Sneyers.

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