Publications of Christian Holzbaur
Books and proceedings
  1. Slim Abdennadher, Thom Frühwirth, and Christian Holzbaur, editors. Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules, volume 5(4–5) of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Cambridge University Press, July 2005. [bibtex-entry]

  2. C. Holzbaur and Th. Frühwirth, editors. Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules, volume 14(4) of Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence. Taylor & Francis, April 2000. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Christian Holzbaur, Marìa Garcìa de la Banda, Peter J. Stuckey, and Gregory J. Duck. Optimizing compilation of Constraint Handling Rules in HAL. In Slim Abdennadher, Thom Frühwirth, and Christian Holzbaur, editors, Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules, volume 5(4–5) of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, pages 503-531. Cambridge University Press, July 2005. [doi:10.1017/S1471068405002413] Keyword(s): implementation, optimizing compilation. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Christian Holzbaur and Thom Frühwirth. A Prolog Constraint Handling Rules Compiler and Runtime System.. In C. Holzbaur and Th. Frühwirth, editors, Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules, volume 14(4) of Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, pages 369-388. Taylor & Francis, April 2000. [doi:10.1080/088395100117043] Keyword(s): implementation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Christian Holzbaur and Thom Frühwirth. Selected recent project descriptions involving CHR. In C. Holzbaur and Th. Frühwirth, editors, Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules, volume 14(4) of Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, pages 417-420. Taylor & Francis, April 2000. [doi:10.1080/088395100117061] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Gregory J. Duck, Peter J. Stuckey, Marìa Garcìa de la Banda, and Christian Holzbaur. The Refined Operational Semantics of Constraint Handling Rules. In B. Demoen and V. Lifschitz, editors, ICLP '04: Proc. 20th Intl. Conf. Logic Programming, volume 3132 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 90-104, September 2004. Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-540-22671-0. [doi:10.1007/b99475] Keyword(s): semantics, implementation. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Gregory J. Duck, Peter J. Stuckey, Marìa Garcìa de la Banda, and Christian Holzbaur. Extending arbitrary solvers with Constraint Handling Rules. In PPDP '03, pages 79-90, 2003. ACM Press. ISBN: 1-58113-705-2. Keyword(s): implementation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Thom Frühwirth and Christian Holzbaur. Source-to-Source Transformation for a Class of Expressive Rules. In F. Buccafurri, editor, AGP '03: Joint Conf. Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE, pages 386-397, September 2003. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Christian Holzbaur and Thom Frühwirth. Compiling Constraint Handling Rules into Prolog with Attributed Variables. In G. Nadathur, editor, PPDP '99, volume 1702 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 117-133, 1999. Springer-Verlag. Keyword(s): implementation. [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Christian Holzbaur and Thom Frühwirth. Constraint Handling Rules reference manual, Release 2.2. Technical report TR-98-01, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1998. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Mon Dec 16 13:19:47 2013
This bibliography was compiled by the following authors: Please send BibTEX entries of missing CHR-related publications to Jon Sneyers.

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