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ROCK & ROLL v.3.17

Appeared in Volume 9/3, August 1996

ROCK & ROLL is a Deductive Object Oriented Database system developed by the Dept. of Computing & Electrical Engineering at Heriot-Watt Univ. It consists of three integrated components, an object-oriented data model, an imperative object-oriented data manipulation language ROCK (Rule Object Computational Kernel) and a declarative object-oriented logic query language ROLL (Rule Object Logic Language).

The two-language approach has allowed the logic language to remain free from extra-logical features required to support updates and input/output by supplying the imperative language for that task. The integration of the imperative and logic languages is free from impedance mismatches, as both languages share a common type system - the underlying data model - and compatible execution strategies - ROLL being callable from ROCK and vice-versa.

The system has been implemented to run on Sun4 workstations using the Exodus E Persistent C++ compiler. Both a persistent and a main-memory version of the system are available. The implementation provides facilities for declaring object-oriented schemas and defining both imperative (ROCK) and deductive (ROLL) methods. It also provides for the execution of ROCK programs and evaluation of ROLL queries. A ROLL compiler and a query optimizer are included.

Release 3.01 of ROCK & ROLL is available via anonymous FTP from:
The relevant files are:

The release may also be fetched from:

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