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A Bibliography on Integrating Object-Oriented and Logic Programming

Appeared in Volume 6/4, November 1993

Keywords: OOP.

Available from

File name: Contents

README: this file the whole bibliography in Postscript (ready for printing)
bibunits.sty: for formatting a sectioned bibliography (by Jose Alberto Fernandez (
oolog.tex: master file which calls the section files below
logic.bib: Logics to Model Object-Oriented Notions (except:)
inherit.bib: Logics for Inheritance Systems; Modules (Worlds) for Logic Programming
lang.bib: Languages Integrating OOP and LP (except:)
impl.bib: (More Like) Implementation-Oriented Developments
specif.bib: Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (rudimentary)
concurr.bib: Connections to Concurrent Logic Programming and Actors
constr.bib: Connections to Constraint Logic Programming (rudimentary)
db.bib: Deductive Object-Oriented Databases
kr.bib: Applications to Knowledge Representation
appl.bib: Other Applications

Please note that the division of bibliography into sections is somewhat imperfect. Therefore I'd suggest that you get the whole bibliography first ( and then the source part(s) (xx.bib) you are interested in.

The bibliography contains about 180 items. The following sources are covered:

Computer and Control Abstracts (everything from 1989 to 1992)
ACM Guide to Computing Literature (1991 and 1992)
COMPENDEX (1987-1992)
INSPEC (1988(?)-1992)

Vladimir Alexiev
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