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Public-domain Software at IC

Appeared in Volume 6/1, February 1993

My library of public-domain software is now FTP-able, from the Imperial College archive at:

with a short-cut entry of:

All entries are stored as <entry>.tar.Z.

The file README gives a brief summary of the contents of the directory, and CATALOGUE gives a long description of each entry. Entries include the LP Tutor from my book, the DEC-10 public-domain library, the Linger natural-language corrector, a simple object-oriented add-on for Prolog, graph utilities, and a number of other things.

Additions are very welcome, and there are many utilities which must have been written but haven't been donated - B-tree predicates, planners, hypertext engines, constraint algebra systems, sorting predicates, etc. Give others the benefit of your software!

I would like to add to the library, programs that have been printed in books such as Bratko, Rowe, O'Keefe, Dodd, and others. Authors, or those who have typed in their own copies, please contact me.

Jocelyn Paine
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