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JLP "Technical Notes"

Appeared in Volume 8/2, May 1995

The Journal of Logic Programming solicits contributions for a new "Technical Notes" area. The purpose of this area is the rapid publication of short papers (up to 5000 words, excluding tables, figures, and bibliography) of interest to the logic programming community. In addition to the traditional research topics covered in other areas of the Journal, this area also covers "practice and experience" style reports on insights and experiences arising from the practical application of research results. In general, a paper can be considered to be within the scope of this area if it is of interest to (a reasonable portion of) the logic programming community, if it makes a nontrivial and non-obvious contribution to the knowledge within this area, and if it meets the length restriction specified.

In addition to original contributions not previously published elsewhere, papers and abstracts presented at conferences may be revised and submitted as Technical Notes. In order to minimize processing delays, it is intended to use electronic communication and document manipulation as far as possible. To this end, authors are encouraged to submit papers electronically. Submissions should contain the name, email address, and postal address of the corresponding author, a brief abstract and reasonably accurate word count for the paper (excluding figures, tables, and bibliography), and the manuscript in postscript format, and be sent by electronic mail to the area editor:

Saumya K. Debray
Dept. of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
If electronic submission is inconvenient, five paper copies prepared according to the guidelines for regular papers should be sent.

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