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JLP Reorganisation of Areas

Appeared in Volume 9/1, February 1996

The JLP announces a new area: Knowledge Representation and Non-Monotonic Reasoning

This new area should bring together papers on the development of logic programming languages for the representation of declarative knowledge. This includes papers on the semantics of general logic programs and their extensions, mathematical properties of such programs, relations with other nonmonotonic formalisms, and the representation of knowledge in particular domains (e.g. reasoning about actions and change, incomplete information in databases).

The area editor is Michael Gelfond.

In addition, some of the existing areas have been slightly renamed. The eight areas and their editors are:

Knowledge Representation and Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Michael Gelfond (

Foundations of LP and CLP
Joxan Jaffar (

Implementation and Architecture
Manuel Hermenegildo (

Design and Analysis of Languages and Systems
Kazunori Ueda (

Raghu Ramakrishnan (

Natural and Formal Languages
Veronica Dahl (

Programming Methodology and Applications
Leon Sterling (

Technical Notes
Saumya K. Debray (

For more details, contact:

Maurice Bruynooghe

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