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The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)

Appeared in Volume 8/1, February 1995

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) now offers a Master of Logic degree. The program consists of courses and a Masters' thesis project in the area of logic and its applications. In addition, ILLC regularly organises colloquia, conferences and master classes. Specialisation areas and courses in these areas are:

1. Logic and Mathematics

Recursion theory; Constructivism and proof theory; Modal logic and formal arithmetic; Lambda calculus; Reasoning with probability and uncertainty; Extensional and intensional logics.

2. Logic, Philosophy and Linguistics

Logical semantics; Montague grammar; Non-standard notions of inference; Meaning and context; Natural language question-answering systems; Seminar in logical semantics

3. Logic and Computer Science

Computational learning theory; Structured complexity theory; Theorem proving; Semantics of programming languages; Theory and practice of logic programming; Language processing

All courses are taught in English. The thesis is supervised by one of the following ILLC staff members:

Krzysztof Apt; Johan van Benthem; Jan Bergstra; Jacob Brunekreef; Kees Doets; Peter van Emde Boas; Theo Janssen; Dick de Jongh; Paul Klint; Michiel van Lambalgen; Piet Rodenburg; Leen Torenvliet; Anne Troelstra; Paul Vitanyi; Renate Bartsch; Jeroen Groenendijk; Martin Stokhof; Frank Veltman; Remco Scha; Henk Zeevat;

For a brochure containing more information, send us your postal address by regular mail, e-mail of fax, and state 'brochure Master of Logic'.

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
Univ. of Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24
1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 525 5200
Fax: +31 20 525 5206
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