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LPA Prolog for Windows 95

Appeared in Volume 9/1, February 1996

The new release of LPA Prolog for Windows 95 features:

LPA Prolog for Windows is a 32-bit application development tool running under Windows 95 and 3.1. The integrated development environment supports the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) and enables multiple files to be edited, compiled, executed and debugged in situ. All products use incremental compilation which combines the execution speed of a compiler with the interactive nature of an interpreter. There is support for DDE and a bi-directional interface to Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) to allow integration with code written C, C++ or Pascal.

The LPA Windows series also includes flex, Prolog++, the Database Interface toolkit, the Portable Dialog Manager and the WinProlog Dialog Editor.

Products are available in two Editions - Programmer Editions which include all the built-in procedures, development environment, debugger, documentation, etc, and Developer Editions which also include a run-time generator for producing stand-alone applications. All products require 32-bit machines with at least 8 Mb RAM. The retail prices for the various Programmer Editions with the related Developer Edition price in brackets are: LPA Prolog for Windows: 745 pounds (1,495 pounds), Prolog++: 995 pounds (1,995 pounds), flex: 1,245 pounds (2,495 pounds).

For further information contact:

Clive Spenser, Marketing Director
Logic Programming Associates Ltd.
Studio 4, R.V.P.B., Trinity Road
London, SW18 3SX, UK
Tel: +44 181 871 2016
Fax: +44 181 874 0449
Compuserve: 100135,134

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