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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes: Sep. 1996

Appeared in Volume 10/2, May 1997

Keywords: meeting.

2nd September, 1996
Bad Honnef, Germany

Krzysztof Apt, Manuel Hermenegildo, Bob Kowalski, Maurizio Martelli, Lee Naish, David Scott Warren


Leutz Pluemer and Rainer Manthey reported that they had managed to obtain substantial support for JICSLP'96 from the German Research Council (DFG). This made it possible to charge a significantly lower registration fee than for other recent ALP conferences. The conference had been advertised in CACM, and the cost of advertising had been split equally between the conference and ALP general funds.

Arrangements were reported for ICLP'97 in Leuven and ILPS'97 at Port Jefferson, Long Island. Jan Maluszynski was appointed program committee chairman for ILPS'97. There was extensive discussion about the desirability of holding ICLP and ILPS in conjunction with other LP-related conferences and workshops. This matter was also discussed at the ALP general meeting, which took place the next day.

Manchester, UK was chosen as the site for JICSLP'98. Kung-Kiu Lau was appointed general chairman. (Subsequently, Joxan Jaffar was appointed program committee chairman.) JICSLP'98 will be held in conjunction with Manchester University's celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the stored-program computer.


Leon Sterling asked to be relieved of his office as conference co-ordinator and conference budget co-ordinator, as a result of his becoming head of his Department. (Subsequently, it was decided that Francesca Toni will serve as conference budget co-ordinator and the EC as a whole will take responsibility for conference co-ordination.)

It was reported that, due to other commitments, Valerie Anderson had resigned from the post of administrative secretary. Dania Kowalska (Bob Kowalski's oldest daughter) has taken her place. (Dania is doing a part-time Ph.D. in pteridophyte taxonomy at Kew Gardens in London.) Valerie will continue working on ALP administration, but for fewer hours a week.


Current membership now stands at 880 members. This is a reduction from the 1,023 members in 1995. Much of this reduction is accounted for by the small number of people receiving "free" membership at ICLP'95 in Japan.

Alan Robinson was appointed the first ALP Honorary Fellow in recognition of his contributions to Logic Programming.

Other Matters

These include the ALP accounts and budget appearing separately in this section of the newsletter.

Bob Kowalski

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