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Budget and Accounts: Aug. 1996

Appeared in Volume 10/2, May 1997

Keywords: accounts.

August 1996

Approximate Budget for the next 12 months

All figures are in US$

Exchange rate used: 1 pound = $1.50

Most figures are approximate. The '?'s indicate that some income or expenditure is expected, but the actual amount is currently unknown.

The ALP budget and accounts for June 1995 appeared in Volume 8/4, November 1995.

In bank (June 1996):                     84,904.57
Currently in bank (August 1996):         86,140.40

Expected Income

Membership subscriptions:	          9,000.00
MIT Press Royalties:	                  4,743.38
Bank Interest:	                          1,000.00
	JICLP'96:	                  6,712+?
	CP'95:	                          3,000+?
	ALP'96/PLILP'96/SAS'96:	          3,000+?

Total Expected Income:	                 27,455.38
	                                 + any conference income

Expected Expenditure

4 Newsletters:	Printing	          7,000
   Other (postage, packaging, design):	  6,000
Bank and account charges:	            500
Administration:	                         12,000
Database Maintenance:	                  2,000
Accountant:		                    900
Stationery/Phone/Postage:	          1,500
Insurance for North American Conferences:   350
Annual Return:	                             25
Distribution of Conference Proceedings	    500
  to Libraries in Countries 
  in Financial Hardship
Electoral Reform Society:	          1,200
Conferences and Workshops:
	ICLP'97: 	                 10,000?
	ILPS'97:	                 10,000?
	Workshop Advances	              ?

Total Expected Expenditure:	          51,975 + ?

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