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Budget and Accounts: June 1995

Appeared in Volume 8/4,  November 1995
Keywords: accounts.

Approximate ALP Budget for the next 12 months

All figures are in US$
Exchange rate used: 1 pound = $1.60
Most figures are approximate.

Currently in bank


Expected Income

Membership subscriptions     10,000 
MIT Press Royalties           5,500
Bank Interest                   800
  ILPS'95                    10,000 +? 
  ICLP'95                         ?
  CP'95                           ?

Total Expected Income:       26,300 
            + any conference income

Expected Expenditure

4 Newsletters:  Printing       7,000 
  Other (postage, 
       packaging, design)      5,000
Bank and account charges         500
Administration                14,000
Accountant                     1,000
Stationery/Photocopying        1,550
Insurance for US Conferences     280
Conferences and Workshops:
  CP'95 Advance                3,000 
  ILPS'95 PC Expenses          1,000
  Any Programme Committee Expenses  ?
     (Advance + PC Expenses)  10,000
  Workshop Advances                ?
ALP Trademark                  1,840

Total Expected Expenditure:   45,170 + ?

Budget Summary

Total in Bank + Expected Income:   104,816.49
                 + any more conference income

Total Expected Expenditure:         45,170.00 + ?

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