
Suppose we are given a taxonomy of drinks and want to express that two drinks are similar if they are close to each other in the tree.

digraph naivebayes { drink -> alcoholic; drink -> nonalcoholic; alcoholic -> beer; alcoholic -> wine; alcoholic -> spirit; nonalcoholic -> soda; nonalcoholic -> coffee; beer -> ale; beer -> stout; beer -> lager; wine -> redwine; wine -> whitewine; spirit -> gin; spirit -> whiskey; }

A probabilistic similarity predicate can be expressed as follows:

e(drink,alcoholic). e(drink,nonalcoholic). e(alcoholic,beer). e(alcoholic,wine). e(alcoholic,spirit). e(nonalcoholic,soda). e(nonalcoholic,coffee). e(beer,ale). e(beer,stout). e(beer,lager). e(wine,redwine). e(wine,whitewine). e(spirit,gin). e(spirit,whiskey). member(X,[X|_]). member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T). d(B,B,[B]). d(B,E,[B|L]) :- e(B,M), d(M,E,L),\+member(B,L). d(B,E,[M|L]) :- e(M,B), d(M,E,L),\+member(B,L). P::similar(B,E) :- d(B,E,L), length(L,LL), (LL=1, P is 1; LL>1, P is 1/(LL-1)). query(similar(ale,stout)). query(similar(ale,gin)). query(similar(ale,soda)).