Complexity of querying

These examples are from the slides of various tutorials on ProbLog, e.g., at IJCAI 2015

In probabilistic databases, it is well known that unions of conjunctive queries can either be answered in polynomial time, or are #P-hard. Below, q1 belongs to the first category, and q2 to the second.

q1 :- stress(X), influences(X,Y). q2 :- stress(X), influences(X,Y), male(Y). 0.7::stress(1). 0.4::stress(2). 0.9::stress(3). 0.83::influences(1,2). 0.41::influences(1,3). 0.56::influences(2,1). 0.91::influences(2,3). 0.34::influences(3,1). 0.17::influences(3,2). 0.3::male(1). 0.8::male(2). 0.9::male(3). query(q1). query(q2).