Welcome to the city of Leuven (Louvain)

The historic city of Leuven is located in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), only 25km from Brussels, at the heart of Western Europe. Counting a total population of about 90.000 inhabitants, Leuven comprises a mix of medieval tradition and a young spirit atmosphere. Among its varied attractions Leuven offers a wide range of restaurants, cozy bars, historic buildings, museums and an enchanting country side.
Founded in 1425, The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U. Leuven) is both the oldest university in the low countries and the oldest Catholic university still existing. Erasmus, Mercator and Vesalius count among the eminent scholars that once conducted their research within the walls of the University. Nowadays, the K.U. Leuven carries out fundamental and applied research in all academic disciplines, and its part of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) , a group of twenty universities commited to high-quality teaching together with an environment of internationally competitive research. The student population rises over 30.000 students, more than 10% of them being international.
The exact sciences are accomodated at the edge of the city on the Arenberg Campus, a 29 ha park surrounding the 16th century Arenberg Castle, now home to the engineering department. The campus features also the Arenberg Campus Library , one of the biggest and most modernised science and engineering libraries in Europe, in a stylish building designed by Rafael Moneo.
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