
Private stay

If you want some help with booking a hotel, please contact Karin Michiels and state your

  • Day of arrival
  • Day of departure
  • Preferred hotel (if you have one)
  • Budgetary constraints (if you have any)

A list of hotels in Leuven can be found here . The closest hotels to the workshop site are the Begijnhof Congres Hotel and Hotel New Damshire . Hotel New Damshire will give some reduction if the workshop is mentioned upon registration.


Leuven has many restaurants on offer, covering the full range from places serving good food for a reasonable price to top quality restaurants. Several subsidised student restaurants offer warm meals for 2.4 to 4.5 euro. Many places sell sandwiches and other snacks for comparable prices. Dinners at privately owned restaurants typically start around 10-15 euro.