MLG 2009

7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs

Leuven, Belgium

July 2-4, 2009

Co-located with SRL 2009 and ILP 2009

Driven by application areas ranging from biology to the World Wide Web, research in Data Mining and Machine Learning is nowadays increasingly focusing on the analysis of structured data. Of particular interest is data that consists of interrelated parts or is characterized by collections of objects that are interrelated and linked together into complex graphs and structures. Following in the footsteps of the highly successful MLG workshops in the past, MLG 2009 will again be the premier forum for bringing together different sub-disciplines within Machine Learning and Data Mining that focus on the analysis of such data.

Co-located with ILP-2009 and SRL-2009, MLG-2009 offers a unique opportunity to study the relationship between ILP, SRL and MLG. The workshop is hence open to contributions dealing with any form of structured data, including but not limited to graphs, trees, sequences, relations and networks. Contributions are invited on the following topics:

  • Relationships between Mining and Learning with Graphs and Statistical Relational Learning
  • Relationships between Mining and Learning with Graphs and Inductive Logic Programming
  • Kernel Methods for Structured Data
  • Probabilistic Models for Structured Data
  • Graph Mining
  • (Multi-)relational Data Mining
  • Methods for Structured Outputs
  • Network Analysis

The workshop is open to theoretical, algorithmical, engineering and application-oriented reports on these topics.


We are looking for extended abstracts of at most 3 pages following the two-column ICML formatting guidelines. Papers will be reviewed normally by three (at least two) referees. Reviewing will not be double-blind.

In addition to original contributions we will consider abstracts based on recently published outstanding works, given that the original papers are adequately cited and the status is clearly stated in the covering letter.

Since we would like to hear about your most recent and best research results, there will be no formal proceedings that could prevent you from submitting your contribution to other venues.

A joint special issue of the Machine Learning Journal on ILP - SRL - MLG will be published after the conference. Authors of selected papers will be invited after the conference to submit a longer version (up to 20 pages) of their paper to the special issue by September 1. These papers will be on a fast track to publication in the issue, which implies that decisions on whether or not to accept the papers (possibly with revisions) will be made quickly.


  • April 3 Deadline for paper / abstract submissions
    (updates to submitted papers will remain possible until April 7)
  • April 30 Notification
  • May 29 Deadline for camera ready copies
  • July 2-4 Conference

Past Editions

See here.