Arenberg Campus

The conference will be held in the recently renovated Computer Science building, situated on the Arenberg Campus, the K.U.Leuven exact sciences campus set in the large park surrounding the 16th century Arenberg castle.

Auditorium Computer Science (room 00.225)
Department of Computer Science K.U.Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
3001 Heverlee, Belgium

Getting to Leuven

From within the Benelux, the best way to get to leuven is by car or train. Be careful not to confuse Leuven (Louvain) with Louvain-la-neuve! The trains are run by NMBS, you can plan your trip on their website.

Getting around

While Leuven is quite small, and most places can be reached on foot, the Arenberg Campus lies just outside the city center.

There are two bus lines that stop at the campus. All buses leave from the train station. You can buy tickets from the driver (2 euro per trip), but if you buy your tickets at the station you pay a reduced price (1.20 euro per trip or 8 euro for a 10-trip ticket).

  • Line 616. Leaves every 30 minutes. Goes directly from the train station to Heverlee (does not go through Leuven itself). Takes 15 minutes from the train station to the Arenberg Campus. Descend at the 'Celestijnenlaan' bus stop.
  • Line 2. Leaves continuously (about every 7 minutes). Goes through the city center with various stops, indicated on the map. Takes 25 minutes from the train station to the Arenberg Campus. Descend at the end of the line.
  • A map of all bus lines is available here


Below is a list of recommended hotels. Contact them directly to reserve a room and mention 'benelearn' to get the reduced tariff (except for Holiday Inn, see below). All prices include breakfast and are valid until April 30th.

The city website offers a complete list of current hotels and B&Bs and there is also a youth hostel.

More information

The tourist office is located in the town hall (side entrance in the Naamsestraat). You may also want to have a look at Tourism in Flemish Brabant or VisitFlanders.