
Clus is a decision tree and rule induction system that implements the predictive clustering framework. This framework unifies unsupervised clustering and predictive modelling and allows for a natural extension to more complex prediction settings such as multi-task learning and multi-label classification.

Clus is co-developed by the Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence group of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, and the Department of Knowledge Technologies of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Clus is free software (licensed under the GPL) and can be obtained from this website.

More information about predictive clustering and Clus is available in the Clus documentation and a number of relevant publications.

The following data sets are available for Clus:

If you have any questions or comments regarding predictive clustering and the Clus system, please feel free to contact Hendrik Blockeel, Sašo Džeroski, and Jan Struyf. Please direct technical questions about installing and running Clus to Denny Verbeeck.