First International Summer School
on Constraint Handling Rules

August 30th - September 3rd, 2010
Leuven, Belgium


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: a vivid history since 1425 in historic Leuven City

Although Leuven can be found on maps of the 9th century, the first walls of city were built in the 11-12th century, when Leuven developed as an important trading centre within the Duchy of Brabant. Its second important wave of expansion came along with the foundation of the university (1425). At present, Leuven is the capital of Flemish Brabant, known for its ‘university population atmosphere’, renovated old center and railway station area, and hometown of the world’s leading brewer (AB InBev).

There will be plenty of time to visit the historic center of Leuven with many of the historic university buildings, the Town Hall, the Beguinage, the ‘Old Market’ and ‘Great Market’, many churches, and parks. And of course to enjoy one of the more than 1000 different Belgian Beers in one of the pubs at and around the ‘Old Market’.

More information

Map of Leuven

History of the K.U.Leuven