Publications with no year
Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Maurizio Gabbrielli, Maria Chiara Meo, Paolo Tacchella, and Herbert Wiklicky. Unfolding for CHR programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, . Note: To appear. [PDF]
    author = {Maurizio Gabbrielli and Maria Chiara Meo and Paolo Tacchella and Herbert Wiklicky},
    title = {Unfolding for {CHR} programs},
    journal = TPLP,
    note = {To appear} pdf = {} 

  2. Thom W. Frühwirth Jon Sneyers, Danny De Schreye. In . .
    author = {Jon Sneyers, Danny De Schreye, Thom W. Fr{\"u}hwirth}

Conference articles
  1. Ruoyu Chen, Lejian Liao, and Zhi Fang. Contracting of Web Services with Constraint Handling Rules. In Services (SERVICES), 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on, pages 211-218, June. [doi:10.1109/SERVICES.2012.36] Keyword(s): applications.
    In e-service environment, service contract is important for assurance of business interoperability and quality of services. Combining service contract and process model will facilitate analyzing service process and monitoring service execution. This paper proposes a service modeling approach consists of service contract and process model. Service contracts are used as service advertisement and service request in this approach. The operational semantics of service contract and process model are translated into Constraint Handling Rules(CHR) program by a compiler. Based on this approach, a concept named service contracting is defined as a phase between service discovery and execution, which checks the consistency of service advertisement and process model as well as the the applicability of services w.r.t. the consumer's capabilities. Further, constraint solver centered implementation is designed, the modeling and contracting of web services under this architecture is illustrated.

    author={Ruoyu Chen and Lejian Liao and Zhi Fang},
    booktitle={Services (SERVICES), 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on},
    title={Contracting of Web Services with Constraint Handling Rules},
    abstract={In e-service environment, service contract is important for assurance of business interoperability and quality of services. Combining service contract and process model will facilitate analyzing service process and monitoring service execution. This paper proposes a service modeling approach consists of service contract and process model. Service contracts are used as service advertisement and service request in this approach. The operational semantics of service contract and process model are translated into Constraint Handling Rules(CHR) program by a compiler. Based on this approach, a concept named service contracting is defined as a phase between service discovery and execution, which checks the consistency of service advertisement and process model as well as the the applicability of services w.r.t. the consumer's capabilities. Further, constraint solver centered implementation is designed, the modeling and contracting of web services under this architecture is illustrated.},

  2. M. Spies. Continous Monitoring for IT Governance with Domain Ontologies. In Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 2012 23rd International Workshop on, pages 43-47, Sept.. ISSN: 1529-4188. [doi:10.1109/DEXA.2012.36] Keyword(s): Description Logic.
    We present the practical context, design rationale and application basics of a domain ontology capturing industry standards for defining, controlling and auditing IT Governance.

    author={Spies, M.},
    booktitle={Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 2012 23rd International Workshop on},
    title={Continous Monitoring for IT Governance with Domain Ontologies},
    abstract={We present the practical context, design rationale and application basics of a domain ontology capturing industry standards for defining, controlling and auditing IT Governance.},
    keywords={Description Logic},



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Last modified: Mon Dec 16 13:19:46 2013
This bibliography was compiled by the following authors: Please send BibTEX entries of missing CHR-related publications to Jon Sneyers.

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