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Call For Papers

Seventh International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules


Topics of Interest

The workshop calls for contributions on all aspects of CHR, including topics such as:

Application papers, that describe experience with (industrial) applications, are especially welcome.

Important dates

Submission Information

The four broad categories for submissions are:

  1. technical papers for describing technically sound, innovative ideas that can advance the state of the art of CHR
  2. application papers, where the emphasis will be on the use of CHR in the application, on the impact on the application domain, and the lessons learned from this application
  3. system and tool papers, empasising the novelty, practicality, usability and general availability of the systems and tools described
  4. short papers, for ongoing work not yet ready for full publication and research project overviews.

All papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. They must be written in English. Technical papers must not exceed 15 pages. The page limit for short papers is 7 pages, as is the limit for application papers, and system and tool papers. However, particularly strong contributions in the latter two areas may be submitted as technical paper as well.

All papers must be in the Springer LNCS format. General information about the Springer LNCS series and the LNCS authors' instructions are available at the Springer LNCS home page.

Submissions must be made via the EasyChair submission system, available at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chr10

Programme Committee

Workshop Coordinators