In Memoriam
Marco Cadoli (1965-2006)

Marco Schaerf
University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Editor: Agostino Dovier

Dear friends,
With deep sorrow I inform you that on November 21st 2006 our friend and colleague Marco Cadoli passed away at the eraly age of 40. Marco has fought a rare form of cancer for three years always showing an incredible strength, continuing his work research work till the very end.

Marco was a researcher
deep at heart, who was always thrilled to find new ideas, new applications and always eager to discuss with colleagues, students and friends. His research has spanned through many areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Logic Programming, Constraint Programming and formal methods in Software Engineering.

Soon after his death the mailboxes of the closest
colleagues, such as Maurizio Lenzerini and myself, have been filled with condolences messages. I want to include here the message Maurizio received from Jack Minker.

    Marco Schaerf

>-------------------Message by Maurizio Lenzerini posted on Dbworld----
>With deep sorrow I inform the scientific community that Marco Cadoli
>( has passed away on November 21,
>2006, after a long battle with cancer. He leaves his beloved wife
>Laura and little sons Andrea and Riccardo.
>Marco was a brilliant researcher, a wonderful person, and an
>invaluable friend. The DB&KR group at University of Rome ``La
>Sapienza'' will be forever proud to have had him as one of its
>--------personal reply by Jack Minker---------------
>Dear Maurizio,
>I was deeply saddened to learn that Marco died yesterday. I looked at
>his web page and again saw this young, intelligent and handsome man
>whose work I admired. I looked over his vitae and was again impressed
>by the research he contributed to the database and logic-based
>computing community. I also found that he was a deeply religious
>person which, I trust, was a comfort to him and his family.
>As you say, he was, indeed a brilliant researcher, a wonderful person
>and an invaluable friend. I hope that the logic programming community
>at its next international meeting will, at the least, have a moment of
>silence in memory of Marco.
>Please give my condolences to Marco's family and to your colleagues
>who had the pleasure of working with this wonderful person. My
>condolences also to you with whom he wrote outstanding papers and with whom
>you were a friend.
>It is a deep loss to the entire DB and LP scientific community to lose
>this decent person and outstanding researcher.