2006 Doctoral Consortium in (Constraint) Logic Programming

Enrico Pontelli
New Mexico State University

Editor: Enrico Pontelli

The 2006 ICLP Doctoral Consortium on (Constraint) Logic Programming took place on August 21st, 2006, during the 2006 International Conference on Logic Programming, in Seattle, WA.

The aims of the ICLP Doctoral Consortium are:

The Doctoral Consortium is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program and conductive research in areas related to Logic or Constraint Logic Programming. The Consortium allows participants to interact with established researchers and with other students, through presentations, question-answer sessions, panel discussions, and invited presentations. 

Six excellent submissions were accepted for the 2006 Doctoral Consortium. Each accepted student had the opportunity to present his/her research during a special session of ICLP 2006, under the supervision of an assigned mentor. The accepted submissions are:

In addition to the students presentations and discussion, the 2006 Doctoral Consortium featured an invited presentation by Gopal Gupta, titled "Logic Programming: the grand unifying theory of Computer Science".

The Doctoral Consortium was made possible by generous contributions from 

that provided for financial support for the participating students. 

2006 ICLP Doctoral Consortium: Gallery

The chair
The DC 2006 Chair :-)
Quan Phan
Quan Phan (DC Participant)
Michel Ferreira
Michel Ferreira (DC Mentor)
Inna Pivkina
Inna Pivkina (DC Mentor)
David Scott Warren
David Scott Warren (DC Mentor)
Tiago Soares
Tiago Soares (DC Participant)
Son Cao Tran
Son Cao Tran (DC Mentor)
Ka-Shu Wong
Ka-Shu Wong (DC Participant)
Gergerly Lukacsy
Gergerly Lukacsy (DC Participant)
 Martin Brain
Martin Brain (DC Participant)
Agostino Dovier
Agostino Dovier (DC Mentor)
Tu Huy Phan
Tu Huy Phan (DC Participant)
Gopal Gupta
Gopal Gupta (Invited Speaker)

The DC Participants
The 2006 DC Participants