Conference Report
2006 Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint Logic Programming Systems

Haifeng Guo
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Editor: Enrico Pontelli

The Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint LOgic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2006) took place on August 21, 2006 as a satellite workshop of ICLP'06 in Seattle, Washington. This workshop continued a tradition of a successful workshops on implementations of (Constraint) Logic Programming Systems since 1993.

The workshop's aim was to promote discussion and exchange of experience on the design, implementation, and optimization of logic and constraint (logic) programming  systems, or systems intimately related to logic as a means to express computations.

This year we received eight papers which address various implementation topics including tabling, preferences, region-based memory management, action rules, deductive databases, inductive logic programming and linear logic. Interestingly, half of the papers are related to tabling systems. The CICLOPS'06 program commitee accepted all the papers for presentations. The following submissions were presented:
Additionally, an invited talk, titled "AR (Actiona Rules): the language, implementation, and applications", was given by Dr. Neng-Fa Zhou from the City Univerity of New York at Brooklyn College.

On behalf of the organizers we would like to thank all the PC members for their timely reviews, all the authors for their paper contributions, and all the participants for their questions and discussions. Also, we wish to thank Dr. Neng-Fa Zhou for accepting our invitation and giving an interesting talk on action rules.