Newsletter Submissions are Welcome!

Please send us anything you think will be of interest to newsletter readers. For instance:

  • news on Computational Logic related products and services;
  • letters and comments;
  • abstracts or reviews of papers and books related to logic programming;
  • short articles of general interest (1-2 pages);
  • your views on any aspect of LP;
  • conference reports;
  • calls for papers and announcements of LP related workshops and conferences;
  • puzzles and humorous notes, etc.;
  • suggestions for articles and themes for future editions.

If you have an idea and are unsure about its suitability, do email me or one of the area editors to discuss it further.

Submissions have to be either in plain text or html. Latex submissions are also accepted, as they can be transformed in html via LaTeX2html. No other formats are accepted.

Enrico Pontelli, epontell aT

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Last updated: 07/25/07.