The ALP newsletter

What is the ALP Newsletter?

This is the electronic newsletter of the Association for Logic Programming (ALP, It contains news, net postings, call for papers, comment, conference announcements and humour, all related to Computational Logic.

The newsletter is a quarterly publication, in the months February, May, August and November a new issue is posted.

To remind interested people of the outcome of a new issue, a short digest is sent by email to those who subscribe to it.

The digest is a service anyone can subscribe to, either via web at, or via email (see instructions below).

We guarantee that subscribers won't receive from us more emails that strictly necessary - four or five emails PER YEAR is all we are going to send around. It goes without saying that subscribing is free, and that the email addresses in the list will never - under any circumstance - be given to any third party.


How to subscribe to the digest.

a) via web-interface at (please tick regular in the subscription type)

b) by sending an email to LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL with in the BODY ONLY the line "subscribe alp FIRSTNAME LASTNAME", where FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME are - of course - your first and last name. If you prefer to remain anonymous, send the line "subscribe alp anonymous" instead.

How to unsubscribe to the digest: there are two simple ways.

a) via web-interface at

b) by sending Just send an email LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL with in the BODY ONLY the line "SIGNOFF ALP".

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Last updated: 07/25/07.