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Appeared in Volume 8/1, February 1995

Keywords: grammars.

Hdrug is an environment to develop logic grammars for natural languages. The package is written in Sicstus Prolog and uses the ProTcl interface to Tcl/Tk for X-windows. The package comes with a number of example grammars, parsers and generators.

The package allows easy comparison of different parsers/generators; extensive possibilities to compile feature equations into Prolog terms; graphical (Tk), LaTeX and ordinary Prolog output of trees, feature structures and Prolog terms (and combinations thereof).

The package is available from anonymous FTP from:

It is also accessible using the Web at:

For more details contact:

Gertjan van Noord
Alfa-Informatica, Faculteit der Letteren
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Postbus 716, NL 9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 5063 5935
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