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AI Course Material

Appeared in Volume 8/4, November 1995

Keywords: AI.

For those of you interested in AI and/or Prolog, I have put together my course materials from the AI II course taught in Spring 1995 in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at the Univ. of Texas at Arlington. The course used Russell and Norvig's "AI: A Modern Approach" and Bratko's "Prolog Programming for AI" to teach Prolog and implement a number of complex AI algorithms in the form of agents interacting with the Wumpus world described in Russell and Norvig. A significant amount of Prolog programming was done to offer the students, among other things, a robust and enhanced Wumpus world simulator. The compressed tar file containing the materials can be obtained via anonymous FTP from:

For more details, contact:

Larry Holder
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Box 19015, Arlington, TX 76019-0015, USA
Tel: +1 817 273 2596
Fax: +1 817 273 3784

Other sources of information

1. Newsgroup comp.lang.prolog. General FAQ posted twice a month. Prolog Resource FAQs prg_1.faq and prg_2.faq available at: [] The resource FAQs contain information about numerous public domain Prologs as well as AI software used in this course.

2. Prolog code from Ivan Bratko's book "Prolog Programming for AI" (used for this course) can be obtained by contacting the author at

3. LISP code for selected algorithms in Russell and Norvig's book "AI: A Modern Approach" (also used for this course) and other information can be obtained from

4. Prolog code for belief net inference compliments of Paul Connolly can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in the file /pub/paul/

5. Prolog code from the machine learning repository at GMD (including ID3 and FOIL) can be obtained at: []

6. Prolog code from Shoham's book "AI Techniques in Prolog" can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in directory pub/shoham.

7. Prolog code from Sterling's "The Art of Prolog" can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in directory ArtOfProlog.

8. LISP and Prolog code from Luger and Stubblefield's "AI: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving" can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in directory bc/luger/ai.

9. LISP and C++ code from Dean's "AI: Theory and Practice" can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in directory bc/dean/ai.

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