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CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository and Prime Time Freeware for AI

July 1994

Appeared in Volume 7/4, November 1994

Keywords: AI.

The AI Repository is accessible for free by anonymous FTP, AFS, and Web. A selection of materials from the AI Repository is also being published on CD-ROM by Prime Time Freeware.

To access the AI Repository by anonymous FTP:

To access the AI Repository by AFS (Andrew File System), use:

To access the AI Repository by Web, use

The AI Repository has the following main directories:

The AI Programming Languages section contains hundreds of implementations and support routines for AI programming languages, including Common Lisp, Prolog, Scheme, and Smalltalk. It also includes a variety of useful utilities, such as graphical user interfaces (GUI), object-oriented programming extensions, and other software development tools.

The AI Software Packages section includes subdirectories for:

Blackboard Architectures; Code From AI Textbooks; Classical AI Programs; Constraint Processing; Expert Systems/Production Systems; Frequently Asked Questions; Fuzzy Logic; ICOT Free Software; Knowledge Representation, Semantic Nets, Frames; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing; Planning, Plan Recognition; Reasoning; Search.

The repository has standardized on using 'tar' for producing archives of files and 'gzip' for compression.

Bug reports, comments, questions and suggestions concerning the repository should be sent to:

Mark Kantrowitz
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891, USA
Fax: +1 412 681 5739
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