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Logic-Related Conferences

Appeared in Volume 9/1, February 1996

Keywords: conferences.


Over the last few years there has been a proliferation of conferences that overlap in their technical scope with the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). These conferences are scheduled with no prior coordination among them, which results quite often in conflicts. For example, in 1995 LICS and FPCA were at exactly the same time and the same place with no prior coordination.

In an attempt to address this situation, the LICS organization will maintain a WWW page of conferences (including workshops) that have an overlap with logic in computer science. The first half of the page is a list of conferences and associated contacts. The second half is an incomplete list of dates, some tentative and some fixed, for upcoming meetings of these conferences.

If you are an organizer of one of these conferences and have some information you would like included in the page, please send mail to

Doug Howe

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