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Journal of LP Latex Style

Appeared in Volume 7/2, May 1994

The Journal of Logic Programming announces the introduction of its own Latex style. Authors are encouraged to make use of the style and to send in the Latex source of FINAL manuscripts. Details about the style can be obtained by anonymous FTP from:

This directory contains 2 files, a style file and a guide explaining its use. Alternatively, one can contact the Editor-in_chief, the Area Editor in charge of the paper, or Elsevier's editorial office. Email addresses can be found in a current copy of the journal.

The Journal also encourages the submission of short papers, up to 5000 words. The Area Editors make an effort to process them more quickly. The target is that the authors will get a response in 3 months and that papers will appear within 6 months after acceptance. For such contributions, use of the Journals Latex style is especially encouraged, as well as the submission of a postscript file in parallel with the paper submission. Please contact the Area Editor appropriate for the topic of the submission.

Abstracts from the special issue "Ten Years of Logic Programming", which is celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Journal, appear in the Abstracts section of this newsletter.

Maurice Bruynooghe (Editor-in-Chief) 

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