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ICOT Free Software Newsletter

Appeared in Volume 7/1, February 1994

Keywords: ICOT.

14th October, 1993, No. 6

To date, 71 programs have been released as ICOT Free Software. Now, we are releasing a further six programs:

1. The Portable KL1 Processing System

KLIC translates KL1 programs into equivalent C programs, which are compiled and linked with the KLIC runtime library to obtain executables. This version only runs sequentially, but parallel versions will be available soon.

2. The Process Oriented Programming Language AYA

AYA is built on top of KL1. Using AYA, it is easier to write and read parallel logic programs than with KL1. Message communications between processes can be expressed directly in AYA programs. Processes can have several states, and input and output process modes are also introduced. Variables and streams for communication between processes can be terminated automatically.

3. KL1 Load Distribution Library

4. Multiple Sequence Alignment by a Parallel Iterative Aligner

5. An Intelligent Refiner for Multiple Sequence Alignment

6. A Protein Structure Visualization System

Some ICOT Free Software can be executed under Common ESP (CESP). CESP is not part of the ICOT Free Software, and is available from:

Research Management Dept.
AI Language Research Institute, Ltd.
c/o Computer and Information Systems Lab.
Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
1-1, Ofuna 5-chome, Kamakura
Kanagawa 247, Japan
Fax: +81 467 48 4847 
All available ICOT Free Software is listed in "ICOT Free Software Catalog" and "ICOT Free Software Catalogue II". If you require copies, please supply the IFS-desk with your postal address and we shall send them to you.

ICOT Free Software Desk
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg.
4-28, Mita 1-chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan
Fax: +81 3 3456 1618
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