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Multiple Data Files in SWI-Prolog

Appeared in Volume 10/2, May 1997
Tim Howe
10th February 1997

I have been creating a database which has two data files for different categories of data. However, the files have some common predicates. When I try to "consult" the second data file, it destroys all the data with the same predicate name that's already loaded. (Apparently SWI-Prolog's "consult" is the same as the standard "reconsult".) I can't find anything in the documentation telling me how to change this behavior.
Jan Wielemaker
11th February 1997

You have a couple of options. One is to use the :- multifile Name/Arity ... to declare your predicates multifile. SWI-Prolog keeps track of which clauses come from which files, and nicely keeps your database up-to-date, except for the order of the clauses defined in different files. The alternative is to load the files into different modules, and write something on top of it:

?- consult(world1:file1),

call_data(D) :-

data_module/1 enumerates the various data modules.

Finally, you may decide to write your own predicate for loading a database, based on read and assert. This is sometimes a good idea, as you carry out transformations and check the consistency of the data you are reading. The main code is just:

read_data(File) :-
    open(File, read, Fd),
    read(Fd, First),
    read_data(First, Fd),

read_data(end_of_file, _) :- !.
read_data(Term, Fd) :-
    read(Fd, Next),<
    read_data(Next, Fd).

This is as efficient as consult/1 in SWI-Prolog, which compiles everything.

The above is applicable for various Prolog implementations, notably Quintus and SICStus.
Tim Howe
12th February 1997

Is the multifile approach standard? I want to make it as compatible as possible.
Jan Wielemaker
13th February 1997

It is definitely part of Quintus, SICStus, and SWI. It is also part of the ISO standard, see page 219 of 'Prolog: The standard'.

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