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Inductive LP

Appeared in Volume 6/3, August 1993

Keywords: inductive LP.
Chong-kan Chiu
17th October 1992

I am looking for some papers/books about Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). I know that there is a book named "Inductive Logic Programming" by Stephen Muggleton and some papers written by him. Can anyone suggest more good references?
Peter Flach
23rd October 1992

Check out the following:

Stephen Muggleton (ed.), "Inductive Logic Programming", Academic Press, 1992, 544 pp. ISBN 0-12-509715-8.

Luc De Raedt, "Interactive Theory Revision: an Inductive Logic Programming approach", Academic Press, 1992. ISBN 0-12-210730-6.

Nada Lavrac and Saso Dzeroski, "Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications", Ellis Horwood, forthcoming. ISBN 0-13-457870-8.

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