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A Prolog-SQL Interface

Appeared in Volume 8/1, February 1995

Keywords: databases.
Mario Moreira
12th September 1994

Brid Phelan wrote:
I am interested in obtaining a Prolog-SQL Interface for any Prolog (PC or otherwise). I'm also looking for any information on the SICORA SICtus Prolog-ORACLE Interface.

I'm using LPA Prolog for Windows with Prodata Interface for LPA Prolog, and SQL*Net for Windows+ODBC for accessing Oracle databases in Suns workstations.
Mark Pinone
14th September 1994

Quintus ProDBI provides an interface between Prolog and SQL. ProDBI is available on any of our supported Unix platforms (Sun, HP, IBM, DEC Alpha, SGI) and it offers interfaces to Informix, Ingres, Oracle and Sybase.

For more information, send email to
Christoph Draxler
15th September 1994

My $0.02... a student of mine has implemented an interprocess interface between Quintus Prolog and Oracle under UNIX (quite simple, in fact). The code can be FTP-ed from

A Prolog to SQL compiler is also in this directory.

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