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Adventure Game Source Code

Appeared in Volume 8/4, November 1995

Keywords: games.
Brandon Van every
1st August 1995

I'm thinking about writing a Multi-User Dungeon (a MUD) using Prolog as the base language.

Can anyone steer me towards some Prolog adventure game sources? They don't have to be terribly complicated, and they don't have to be multi-user.
Thomas Lindgren
1st August 1995

I haven't written one myself, but here are the basic concepts.

1. You need a parser. Write your own lexical analyzer that reads a stream and returns a list of tokens, such as:

[get, sword]

or whatever. I am using SICStus here.

Convert a stream into a list of lists of characters using the following predicate:

read_from_stream(Stream, CurrList, List_of_lists) :-
	get0(Stream, Char),
	( Char =:= -1 ->  /* end-of-file; you might test for 'return' here */
	 CurrList = [], 
	 List_of_lists = []
	; Char =:= 0' ->  /* space: 0' followed by blank */
	 CurrList = [],
	 List_of_lists = [NextList | Next_list_of_lists],
	 read_from_stream(Stream, NextList, Next_list_of_lists)
	; CurrList = [Char | RestCurrList],
	 read_from_stream(Stream, RestCurrList, List_of_lists)
When the input ends (-1 is read), then the current token ends (CurrList = []) and there is no more to be read (List_of_lists = []). If you read a space, (0' ), the current token ends but there is more to be read. Finally, if a non-eof, non-blank character is read, put it at the end of the current token and keep scanning.

Think of it as a very simple state machine: CurrList and List_of_lists accumulate the inputs and change on a transition (in essence, they are kept as 'pointers to the tails of the lists'). Recursive calls are state transitions and the base case (when input ends) is an accepting state.

Here is a wrapper predicate you can call:

read_list_of_lists(Stream, List_of_lists) :-
  List_of_lists = [Current | Rest],
  read_from_stream(Stream, Current, Rest).
You want to use the above to read one token from the stream, convert it into an atom; then read the next; and so on. Up until the user hits return or the stream ends. Conversion into atoms can be done using atom_chars/2 . (If your lexical analysis gets complex, I would recommend you use more sophisticated methods; such as in O'Keefe's book.)

2. From the list of tokens, you can build a parser using definite clause grammars:

parse_action(get(Object)) --> [get], parse_object(Object).

parse_object(sword) --> [sword] | [chalice].
... and so on. Call the parser with action(SyntaxTree,ListOfTokens,[]) and you get the SyntaxTree in return. If the parser fails, you know there is something wrong - an unknown token, grammatical errors, etc. You can examine the list or just print that it is wrong.

3. Once you have a syntax tree, you use an interpreter to implement your actions. The interpreter takes an action and an old world and returns a new world.

act(get(Object), Old_World, New_World) :-
	( my_location_has_obj(Object, Old_World) ->
	 get_object(Object, Old_World, New_World)
	; interact('object ~q not present.~n',[Object])
Write a main loop around this:

main_loop(Stream, World) :-
  read_list_of_lists(Stream, Tokens),
  ( parse_action(Action, Tokens, []) ->
	 act(Action, World, NewWorld)
  ; syntax_error(Tokens),
	 World = NewWorld
  main_loop(Stream, NewWorld).
You will have to extend the above to detect when the stream ends, print the score, or save the world state to a file.

4. You have to implement the world, which is being passed around. If the structure of your world is more or less fixed, then implement rooms, their connections and descriptions as a database:

room_description(5,'a featureless plain').
room_connects(5, North, East, West, South) :-
	North = 5, East = 5, West = 5, South = 5.
Objects are moved around and changing, so make a dictionary mapping object names to locations. (Or object ID:s, or what have you.)

The World can now be implemented as a term:

world(MyLocation, MyObjects, WorldObjects)

When you move, make a new term with a changed MyLocation:

change_location(New_loc, Old_world, New_world) :-
	Old_world = world(_Old_loc, MyObj, WorldObj),
	New_world = world(New_loc, MyObj, WorldObj).
When you get something, make a new WorldObjects without the thing and put it in MyObjects; when you drop it, do the other way around. An easy data structure for the dictionary is binary trees with two nodes:


tree(Left_sub_tree, Key, Value, Right_sub_tree)

Deleting something from the tree means making a new tree where that Key/Value pair does not appear. Insertion means making a new tree where the Key/Value pair does appear. Updating ... you get the picture.

I would advice you to avoid assert/retract as far as possible, since they are horrible and pretty slow. (I say this because it seems to be an instinct of Prolog programmers to use the damn things! And I don't want any readers to get the wrong idea about how to do this.)

5. If you want to write a MUD, it will have to be able to accept multiple concurrent users. A very simple way of doing it is to have the main_loop read from several streams and parse several things at once. When one user has formed a token stream, you can run that action through the interpreter, update the world and carry on without any complex schemes to keep the world consistent when there are multiple updates. It might not work well when there are a lot of users, though; and you need some way to poll streams.

Well, that is more or less it. Not very sophisticated, but I think you can extend the grammar, interpreter, world, etc. pretty easily.

I recommend Richard A. O'Keefe's The Craft of Prolog as a good book to get to know how to program in Prolog.
Leon Sterling
9th August 1995

Here is the start of a news article by Dennis Merritt I've used the code, not especially endorsed, as a starting point for a student project for an undergraduate AI class. It works reasonably well.

PCAI reprint of "Exploring Prolog Adventures, Objects, Animals, and Taxes"
5th December 1993

This article was originally published in PC AI magazine, Volume 7, Number 5 September/October 1993. The magazine can be reached at:

3310 West Bell Rd., Suite 119
Phoenix, AZ 85023, USA
Tel +1 602 971 1869
Fax: +1 602 971 2321
The article is an introduction to Prolog, which attempts to bring out the practical benefits of its technical features (e.g. unification, backtracking), rather than its theoretical basis.

While I have written a number of "useful" Prolog programs since, I was first drawn to Prolog while I was in the middle of writing, for fun, an adventure game in C on my first "personal" computer. I had started my C program by building the basic tools needed for the game, which included a dynamic database to record the changing state of the game, and the ability to search for symbolic patterns in the state that indicated some action needed to be taken. The action was usually represented by a message to the user and a change of state of the game. The article is available from:
Dennis Merritt
19th September 1995

There is also my book:

Adventure in Prolog
ISBN 0-387-97315-X, ISBN 3-540-97315-X
It teaches Prolog through the use of an extended example application, which is an adventure game.

It has an implementation of the game without asserts and retracts to illustrate a 'pure' Prolog approach to the problem, but the primary version uses them. While I understand the aversion many Prolog programmers have to asserts/retracts (which is basically the same argument that can be made against global variables, a constant source of error in conventional programming languages), I must confess that I find using the dynamic database for the state of an adventure game a very natural solution.

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