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Use of ProTcl to Create GUIs

Appeared in Volume 9/2, May 1996

Keywords: protcl.
David M.N. Gosselin
12th December 1995

1. Has anyone used ProTcl, which is an interface between Prolog (or ECLiPSe) and the scripting language Tcl and Tk, to develop GUIs?

2. I am interested in developing a GUI whose main window is a map, and will have various pull-down menus to control program constraints. I am looking for an example of Tcl and Tk interfaced with a Prolog-like language. An example of the N-Queens problem or the Warehouse Location Problem would be great.
Gertjan van Noord
14th December 1995

Have a look at:
Jim Holehouse
14th December 1995

BinProlog4.0 has a Tcl/tk interface which includes the N-Queens program as a demo.

I am interested to know if anybody has attempted to port the BinProlog Tcl/Tk interface to other Prologs, such as Sicstus? Their solution would be gratefully accepted.
Gertjan van Noord
14th December 1995

David Moffat and I tried to port the BinProlog Tcl/Tk interface. We sort of succeeded, although I wasn't altogether happy with the results.

The code is available from:

Currently I use ProTcl, which is fine. The only problem is that it is quite difficult to install on different machines. Also Sicstus 3.x now supports a similar interface to Tcl/Tk in one of its standard libraries.

I believe that David Moffat has also used ProTcl with SWI Prolog.
Nobukuni Kino
19th December 1995

In response to David Gosselin:

Take a look at:

You can also download:

It contains the Tcl programs toplevel.tcl and queens.tcl. You can probably port them to the other Prologs. The documentation is in Japanese.

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