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Goedels Proof of God's Existence

Appeared in Volume 9/2, May 1996

Axiom 1: A property is positive if and only if its negation is negative.

Axiom 2: A property is positive if it necessarily contains a positive property.

Theorem 1: A positive property is logically consistent (that is, possibly it has some instance).

Definition: Something is God-like if and only if it possesses all positive properties.

Axiom 3. Being God-like is a positive property.

Axiom 4: Being a positive property is logical and hence necessary.

Definition: A property P is the essence of x is and only if x has the property P and P is necessarily minimal.

Theorem 2: If x is God-like, then God-like is the essence of x.

Definition: x necessarily exists if it has an essential property.

Axiom 5: Being necessarily existent is God-like.

Theorem 3: Nessarily there is some x such that x is God-like.

From PI in the Sky
John D. Barrow
Penguin, 1993

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