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Accounts 1993

Appeared in Volume 6/4, November 1993

Keywords: accounts.

The following accounts, in U.S. dollars, are for the 12 month period June 1992 - May 1993 inclusive. The exchange rate used is 1.60 dollars to a pound sterling.

Income (in US$)

Membership subscriptions:      7,249.34
MIT Press royalties:           5,478.63
Bank interest:                   828.39
Conferences and Workshops:
          * ILPS'91:           9,577.96
          * ICLP'91:          21,838.12
          * JICSLP'92:        30,000.00
          * PAP'92:            6,320.00
          * PLILP'91:            541.15
          * PLILP'92 :         2,048.27
          * LOPSTR'92:           791.57

Newsletter Advertisements:       288.00
Donation from ALP-UK:             20.00

Total Income:                 84,981.43

Expenditure (in US$)

  * Printing:                   7,166.40
  * Other (postage, packaging, 
                     design):   6,475.73 

Bank and account charges:         370.77
Administration:                14,270.32
Accountant:                     2,542.21
Solicitor:                        512.00 
Postage (miscellaneous):          324.34
Stationery:                     1,127.18
Elections :                       570.94
Insurance for US Confs:           423.09
Conferences and Workshops:
  * ILPS'91 MIT Press Procs:    7,140.00
  * ICLP'91 MIT Press Procs:   11,900.00
  * JICSLP'92 Invited Speaker:    708.80
  * ICLP'93 Advance:           10,000.00
  * LOPSTR'92 Advance:          2,000.00

Total Expenditure:             65,531.78



Bank balance end May 93



ILPS: Int. LP Symp.
ICLP: Int. Conf. on LP
JICSLP: Joint Int. Conf. and Symp. on LP
PAP: Practical Applications of Prolog Conf.
PLILP: Int. Symp. on Programming Language Implementation and LP
LOPSTR: Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation


These accounts have been prepared so that they correspond exactly to the state of our banking accounts in the 12 month period. The figures related to conferences and workshops do not necessarily reflect overall conference and workshop profit or loss.

F. Sadri
ALP Treasurer
June 1993
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