» ASP Competition

Hardware and Software

A specification of the hardware and software of the computers used in the competition is given below:


Dell OptiPlex 745
1 CPU with 2 cores: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
4096 MB RAM (4x1024 MB 667 MHz 1.5 ns)
Disk capacity=160.0GB model="ATA      ST3160815AS      3.AD"


Standard KUbuntu Hardy (8.04) desktop install.
The packages that are included in this installation can be found by running the command "dpkg -l" (the number of components is too large to list here).

During  the "Tasks / Software Selection"-phase of the installation of these Kubuntu machines, only KUbuntu Desktop and Openssh Server were selected. The purpose of this was to create the most standard installation possible, such that the competitors can easily reconstruct a similar set up on their own machine.