24th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming

News flash: We are delighted to announce an open call for a Machine Learning Journal special issue on Inductive Logic Programming. Please refer here for the call for papers. Submission deadline is December 14, 2014.


The 2014 edition of the annual International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2014) will be held in Nancy, France, on September 14-16th, 2014. Additionally, ILP 2014 will be co-located with ECML/PKDD.

Inductive Logic Programming is a subfield of machine learning that uses logic programming as a uniform representation language for examples, background knowledge and hypotheses. Due to its expressive representation formalism based on first-order logic, ILP provides suitable means for multi-relational learning and data mining.

The ILP conference is the premier international forum on logic-based and relational learning. The conference has broadened its scope and welcomes contributions to learning from multi-relational databases and non-trivially structured data, ranging from purely logic-based to alternative approaches, such as probabilistic or connectionist. Work on ILP has explored several intersections to statistical learning and other probabilistic approaches, expanding research horizons significantly.

Invited speakers

This year's conference will include keynote talks by


Best Student Paper: Logical minimisation of metarules in Meta-Interpretive Learning by Andrew Cropper and Stephen Muggleton

Best Student Paper runner-up: Goal recognition from incomplete action sequences by probabilistic grammars by Ryosuke Kojima and Taisuke Sato


AI Journal

We would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support that the AI Journal provided for our invited speaker Lise Getoor.

ML Journal

We would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the ML Journal for the best student award.